The Inside Story behind the push for churches to gather votes, mobilize the faithful in 2024

With the 2024 presidential election looming, churches and advocacy groups are coming together to encourage places of worship to engage in “ballot harvesting” — also known as ballot collection.

Christian Post reporter Ryan Foley joined The Christian Post’s “The Inside Story” podcast to break down what that means and why it matters.

“Ballot collection refers to [when] person, sometimes a paid political operative, collects absentee ballots before election day,” Foley said. “My Faith Votes … is one of these activists working on this. [to create] some guides and tools for churches, informing them of ways they can legally engage in voter collection efforts.”

Foley also discussed a California church that has been involved in these efforts during the past two elections since the state’s ballot collection laws were changed in 2018, collecting nearly 20,000 ballots in total in 2020 and 2022.


The Christian Post recently began publishing a year-long article series titled “Politics in the Churches: Evangelical Christian engagement in Moral Majority elections today.” The series looks at issues pertaining to election integrity and new ways to get the vote out, including churches participating in ballot collection. The series will also look at topics that evangelicals think are most important to them ahead of the presidential election and the political engagement of various groups, politically and ethnically. Read part 1 and part 2.

The Inside Story” takes you behind the headlines of the week’s biggest faith, culture and political headlines. In 15 minutes or less, Christian Post writers and editors will help you navigate and understand what’s driving each story, the issues at play — and why does it all matter

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