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Ahmed Musa Engages In Third Marriage Super Eagles skipper Ahmed Musa at the weekend got married for the third time.The 28-year-old reportedly got married in a secret ceremony last Saturday.The...
Federal Government Begins Construction Of Kaduna-Kano Rail In a bid to link the country through rail, President Muhammadu Buhari will do the ground breaking of the Kaduna-Kano standard gauge by...
Federal Government Begins Construction Of Kaduna-Kano Rail In a bid to link the country through rail, President Muhammadu Buhari will do the ground breaking of the Kaduna-Kano standard gauge by...
Chidinma Ojukwu Makes U-Turn Denies Killing Super Tv Boss, Ataga Ojukwu, 21, on June 24, gave what looked like a vivid account of how she stabbed the SuperTV boss to...